Approximately six out of every 10 companies in the Netherlands are not correctly providing food allergen information for non-prepacked products, according to the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).
The World Health Organization of the United Nations’ (WHO’s) new manual, Five Keys for Safety Traditional Food Markets: Risk Mitigation in Traditional Food Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region, provides guidance on the implementation of five keys to promote public health and safety in the context of food safety, zoonotic diseases, and infectious respiratory diseases.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released its Food Code Adoption Status Report for 2022. FDA released the most recent version of the Food Code in December 2022.
Chipotle Mexican Grill has announced the appointment of Frank Yiannas, former Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to the company’s Food Safety Advisory Council.
Part of Food Safety Magazine’s series with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), titled, “Evolution of a New Era: Advancing Strategies for Smarter Food Safety,” this episode of Food Safety Matters discusses the research and application of behavior sciences with retail foodservice employees and regulatory agencies that help reduce foodborne illness risk factors.
An unbiased gap assessment of a foodservice business' FSMP should be performed by a third party, using a defined set of standards for each business function
The food safety management program in a foodservice business should be periodically benchmarked against the most current regulatory requirements and best-in-class food safety standards to determine if gaps exist in the program. The gap analysis should be performed by a third party to ensure an unbiased benchmark, and include a review of the corporate governance, systems/specifications, training/education, supply chain management, foodservice operations, and facilities design. The food safety management team should coordinate and review all deficiencies with an action plan prioritized to the level of risk identified.
A survey was sent to food industry trade association members representing food companies to determine what is known about food safety culture, food safety management systems, and active managerial control. The survey also asked about the implementation of such practices in support of a culture of food safety. The survey results indicate that many companies are well aware of these food safety concepts; however, many respondents are unsure whether their company is operating with true active managerial control. Opportunities were uncovered to inform and encourage engagement in active managerial control to a greater degree.
The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) of Ohio has announced the re-launch of its Food Safety Ninja website, which was originally developed with support from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The newly designed resource provides food safety information that is relevant to foodservice and food retail establishments.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) 2022 Food Code clarifies that food donations from retail food establishments are acceptable, given that proper food safety practices are followed.