To advance food safety in the fresh produce sector, the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has announced 14 new research projects, totaling $3.3 million in grants.
The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is holding a free, three-part webinar series to highlight research projects that were presented at the 2024 CPS Research Symposium.
Forward processing of leafy greens crops does not significantly increase the food safety risk posed by Escherichia coli, suggests a recent study led by a USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) scientist and funded by the Center for Produce Safety.
With funding from the Center for Produce Safety, a researcher from the University of Arizona is exploring the usefulness of a handheld genetic sequencing device for in-field microbial characterization of irrigation water by the produce industry.
A study aims to determine how irrigation water that is treated to control microbial activity may affect pathogens on crop surfaces or soil, with the end goal of developing a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for industry to gauge the reduction in microbial risk from treated water applied preharvest.
Funded by the Center for Produce Safety, a University of Georgia researcher is leveraging cutting-edge technology to improve the standard method for detection of viruses on foods, and then will use the method to study infectious norovirus persistence on berries.
A project funded by the Center for Produce Safety aims to analyze risk factors and sampling points for pathogens in controlled environment agriculture (CEA) facilities to provide data industry can use to develop control measures.
The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has announced funding for ten new research projects, designed to answer questions on topics evaluating and mitigating risks associated with waxing roller brushes, enteric viruses, the Agricultural Water Rule, and other issues.
Two complimentary studies funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) are using genomic sequencing technology to examine how storage conditions affect microbial growth on pears, with a focus on Listeria monocytogenes.
Funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS), University of Tennessee researchers are examining whether adding food-grade antimicrobials to the wax and fungicidal coatings typically applied to stone fruit might mitigate foodborne pathogen contamination while extending shelf life.