The second of our two-part webinar series on allergen management examines allergen control and response in foodservice and retail environments. This presentation, which will draw on expertise from industry, regulatory, trade associations, and industry advisors, will address the front end of allergen management in a retail foodservice business, including vetting and working with suppliers. It will also examine the operational management of allergens in foodservice, encompassing allergen control plans and techniques, prevention of allergen cross-contact, training for food handlers and other employees on allergen control and incident response, and guidance for communication on allergen safety with servers and patrons. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will also share an update on the allergen guidance outlined in the 2022 Food Code, which calls for allergen labeling of "unpackaged" food served by restaurants, delis, bakeries, food trucks, caterers, and others.
From this webinar, attendees will learn:
- Guidance for allergen management along the retail foodservice supply chain
- Tips on operational management of allergens in foodservice, including control plans, staff training, and incident response
- Updates on allergen guidance for retail foodservice establishments in the 2022 Food Code
Click here to register for the first webinar in our series on Effective Allergen Control in Food Manufacturing.

Moderator: Adrienne Blume, Editorial Director, Food Safety Magazine
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