While you can’t make employees care about food safety, you can guide them: Tips and tools are presented for upper management to create a culture of food safety at food companies worldwide.
Training of waitstaff on food allergens is essential, but the entire establishment should maintain an allergen-free kitchen and incorporate a company-wide food safety culture.
Despite the widely accepted gains emerging from adopting food safety management systems worldwide, the foodservice and catering sectors have not made advances towards deploying such systems in improving their food safety and hygiene practices. Read more for a proposed framework to aid this situation.
As foodborne illness can be caused by contamination during food preparation and/or storage, foodservice training is of paramount importance. This article reveals the findings of a survey of culinary arts students performed to assess their knowledge of food safety practices.
Good Agricultural Practices comprise a prerequisite program that can be used to manage food safety risks in the field and during transport to packing environments.