In 2020, the amount of foodborne infections decreased in Sweden, according to a report on the surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans.

The report was released by the National Veterinary Institute with help from Folkhälsomyndigheten (the Public Health Agency of Sweden) and Livsmedelsverket (the Swedish Food Agency).

Patient reports of Campylobacter, cryptosporidium, Escherichia coli, Listeria, Salmonella, and Yersinia infections all declined in the past year with at least some of the decrease attributed to COVID-19, including the direct and indirect consequences it has had on surveillance efforts and results.

During the pandemic, fewer patients have gone to primary care doctors with symptoms consistent with common zoonoses, and disease surveillance is driven primarily by people seeking care. This is a combination of people choosing to not seek care and also a true reduction in disease incidence related to changes in general hygiene such as more handwashing, physical distancing, and reduced travel.

There has been a record low of campylobacteriosis during the pandemic and a record high proportion of domestic infections. A total of 3,434 cases were reported, which is 6,693 fewer than 2019 report numbers.