Today, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), along with the British Standards Institute released a revised guide aimed at food businesses. The guide shares advice on how to protect their food and drink supply from potential risks.

The guide, entitled “Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack,” uses risk management strategies which can be adapted to operations of all sizes at different points in the supply chain. It also provides advice on how businesses can detect potential vulnerabilities and the steps that they can take to mitigate them.

In part, the guide covers a number of critical topics:

  • Types of threats that food businesses might face
  • Understanding attackers that target the food industry
  • Threat Assessment Critical Control Points
  • How food businesses can respond to incidents

The downloadable guide is jointly sponsored by the FSA and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

More on food industry risks:
Food and Beverage Industry Cyber Security Risk Management: Does a HACCP-based Food Safety Culture Provide Solutions?
How Current World Threats May Impact Food Safety
Food Defense Training and the New "Focused Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration" Rule

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