Starting this week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is accepting public comments regarding cheese that is made from raw, unpasteurized milk. The purpose is to uncover data that will help in identifying and evaluating new measures that will ultimately minimize the impact of pathogens in cheese made from raw milk.
“The FDA recognizes that there is broad diversity in cheese manufacturing operations and approaches and that many factors go into ensuring the safety of the food,” the FDA’s statement reads. “In issuing this call for data and information, we are interested in learning more about the standards and practices in use by a wide variety of producers, including the growing artisanal cheese manufacturing community.”
The need for public comments stems from a risk assessment previously conducted by the FDA in conjunction with Health Canada. The agencies found that the number of foodborne illness cases--specifically listeriosis--was particularly high.
Starting August 3, 2015, public comments--including scientific data and information--will be open for a period of 90 days.