Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued information and best practices for retail food stores, restaurants, and pick-up and delivery services during the pandemic to protect workers and customers. Many of these are smart food safety practices that employers can consider at any time. This information is being issued in two convenient formats. 

The first is a factsheet on  Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up and Delivery Services During the COVID 19 Pandemic . This information addresses key considerations for how foods offered at retail can be prepared safely and delivered to the public, as well as key best practices for employee health and personal hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing.  

The companion to the factsheet is a summary infographic that offers at-a-glance information on how to: Be Healthy, Be Clean; Clean & Disinfect; Social Distance and Pick-Up & Delivery.

For additional information: