
Katy Jones,
Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, FoodLogiQ

As FoodLogiQ’s CMO, Katy Jones oversees all aspects of marketing and strategy for the company’s cloud-based supplier transparency and traceability solution called FoodLogiQ Connect. She frequently speaks at food industry events and serves as a thought leader and subject matter expert for numerous media outlets. Katy holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s degree in data marketing communications from West Virginia University.

Solutions Stage Presentation
Wednesday, May 8, 12:00pm – 12:30pm

What Do Consumers Want in the Age of Transparency?
Consumers are more informed about the foods they eat than ever before. Their instant access to information has led to more questions and a demand for more visibility into the food they purchase. FoodLogiQ polled over 2,000 U.S. consumers to gauge their sentiment around food traceability and their expectations for food companies regarding recalls, foodborne illness, labeling and much more. Join us to hear the results of this fascinating research.

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