Food Safety Summit presented by Food Safety Magazine

Polakshee GogoiPolakshee Gogoi

Recall & Emergency Response Coordinator (RERC)
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP)

Polakshee Gogoi is one of the Recall and Emergency Response Coordinators (RERC) in the Division of Food and Recreational Safety under Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. She earned her Master of Science in Clinical Virology from Kasturba Medical College, India and went on to pursue her Master of Public Health with a major in Environmental and Occupational Health and a minor in Infectious Diseases from Drexel University, Philadelphia. Her current role defines her to coordinate food emergency responses related to food-borne outbreaks and recall related activities. Working in a food regulatory agency demands the position to coordinate and deliver consumer and industry information and outreach programs related to food security. Historically, she has vast experience in the field of infectious diseases as a virologist for 6 years. She transitioned from core research laboratory bench work to work in the interface of industry, public and private partners. She has published three research articles in international peer reviewed journals.

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